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Dott. William Gualtieri
Spec. in Oculistica
Leggi Il Curriculum Vitae
1983: Medicai Degree (with Honours) from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Bologna University, Bologna, Italy. 1990: Specialist Degree (CCST with First Class Honours) in Ophthalmology from Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Ancona University, Ancona, Italy.
1987-90:Fellowship (Typel) in Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery,University Hospital, Ancona University, Ancona, Italy. 1992-94:Fellowship (Type 2) in Vitreoretinal Surgery, St. Maria Croci Hospital, Ravenna, Italy. 1994-95:Fellowship (ASTO) in Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Scientific Institute, St. Raffaele University Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Permanent Consultant
(Jan. 2010- to date) Consultants:
Mater Dei Teaching University Hospital,
Mr. William Gualtieri (V-R, Cat.) Mr. T. Fenech (Cat., Str., V-R)
Mr. M. Vella (Cat.) Mr. Carbonaro (Gla.) (locum)
Mr. J. Janula (Ocu., Cat.) Mr. M. Gouder( Cat.,)(locum)
Dr. J.G. Hardie (Med. Ret.)
In 2009, I was appointed as a permanent full-time consultant at the
Mater Dei Hospital (MDH) in Malta.
MDH is a brand new Teaching University Hospital, with more than
1000 beds. The Ophthalmology Department is fully equipped with
every up-to-date diagnostic equipment. A twin vitreoretinal surgery
dedicateci theatre, equipped with Constellation, Accurus & BIOMs, is
24hs/day, 4wks/month, 12months/year around open for trauma and
elective su rgery.
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Ancona, Marche, ltaly.
(Jan. 2007- to Dee. 2009)
– Ancona Ophthalmic Hospital,
– Polyclinic Madonna Consolazione,
Reggio Calabria, Calabria, ltaly.
– Asti Generai Hospital,
Asti, Piemonte, ltaly.
-San Marino Republic Generai Hospital,
Republic of San Marino.
Betwenn January 2007 and December 2009, I used to rotate around a
number of public and private hospitals.
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
(Temporary Consultant)
October 2003 – December 2006
Surgical Vitreoretinal Unit,
Dept. Of Ophthalmology,
St. Maria Generai Hospital,
Ravenna, ltaly.
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
(Temporary Consultant)
Aprii 2003- September 2003
Surgical Vitreoretinal Unit,
Dept. of Ophthalmology,
Maggiore Generai Hospital,
Bologna, ltaly.
Chief Vitreoretinal Surgeon
October 1998 – March 2003
Surgical Vitreoretinal Service,
Regina Maris Foundation,
Cattolica Gen Hospital,Cattolica,ltaly
(linked to the Scientific lnstitute,
St. Raffaele University Hospital,
University of Milan, Milan, ltaly).
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Aprii 1995 – September 1998
Surgical Vitreoretinal Service,
Ophthalmic Hospital,
Ancona, ltaly.
Dr. S. Benedetti (Lead Clinician)
Associate Retina Surgeon
(Temporary Consultant)
January 1992 – September 1992
January 1991 – December 1991
Umberto 1° Generai Hospital,
Ancona, ltaly.
Dr. A.Tabacchi (Lead Clinician)
Ancona University Hospital,
University of Ancona,
Ancona, ltaly.
Prof. A. Giovannini
I thoroughly enjoyed my previous junior appointments with internationally known surgeons. In particular, my residency training with Dr. S. Benedetti and Prof. A.Giovannini, then further training with Prof. C. Azzolini and Prof. F. Bandella, provided me with a wide and varied experience in both medicai and surgical retina, giving me an excellent grounding in those subspecialties. However, the time spent with Prof. D. Mcleod at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, England and Dr. Bustros at the “Ingalls Memoria! Hospital”, Chicago, USA, were of paramount importance for my surgical formation (see “Overseas experience” p.20). I gained a large experience in both vitreoretinal and cataract surgery. To date, I have carried out more than 6000 operations on the posterior segment including: scierai bucklings, P. P. V.s (by 20G, 23G and 25G), combinations of both and pneumatic retinopexies. Furthermore, I performed a number of keratoplasties after using the temporary keratoprosthesis for severe eye trauma (vitrectomy+ keratoplasty). I screen and treat all ROP stages. I have accomplished a large number of retinai laser treatments. I am familiar with phacoemulsification procedures having carried out more than 2000, most of which were complex cases. I operate “congenita! cataract” with PC-IOL implantation, also in children foursix months old. I performed a number of scierai sutured and posterior-iris fixed lenses. I feel I have all of the necessary clinica! and interpersonal skills to perform the duties of a vitreoretinal and cataract surgeon to a high standard. I operate an average of 6 vitreoretinal cases a week. I am responsible for “eye trauma” cases and complex cataracts. I run one vitreoretinal and one medicai retina out patient clinic per week. I am responsible for ROP screening and treatment.
1997: Fully registered under the Medical Act 1983 in the Principal List of the register of medical practitioners of the British Generai Medical Council. Full registration number: 4375382 Included in the British Specialist Register established by the GMC. 14 January 1997, Ophthalmology.
GMC British Generai Medicai Council
German Society of Ophthalmology
Italian Society of Ophthalmology
Italian Retina Society
Italian Eye Trauma Society
Italian Macula Society
ltalian Double-filling Tamponade Society